hell, fire, boiling, punish, agony, pain, burn, perdition, doom, torment, suffer, woe, awful, terrible, horrible, scourge, warn, fear, retribution.I found 1,027 unique verses each containing at least one of the above-italicized words. The Quran totals 6,220 verses (give or take ten or fifteen, depending on which of the five counting methods you use). I estimate that of the 1,027 verses linked below, about 500 to 600 contain threats of hell and divine punishment. Another 150 to 200 do not specifically mention divine punishment, but advise fear of Allah, or warn of Allah. And the remaining 250 or so (about 1 in 4 of the verses listed below) have little or nothing to do with divine punishment. (These numbers are extrapolations based on random sampling.)
If the estimate of 550 verses with distinct threats of hell/divine punishment is correct, that would mean the ratio of such verses to all other verses in the Quran is about one in eleven. When we consider that this ratio would go to one in nine if we add the 150 or so verses that do not mention punishment but warn of Allah or advise fear of Allah, and when we recall that the roughly 550 "hell threat" verses are not islands unto themselves, but involve preceding and following verses, it becomes apparent that a quite substantial portion of the Quran is concerned with threats of punishments in hell.
Here is an example of one of the more explicit (and sadistic) warnings:
From the USC-MSA triple translation of the Quran, Chapter 22, Verses 19, 20, 21, and 22:
(PICKTHAL version):The Quran's threats of hell usually do not go into this kind of sadistic detail. Instead we read again and again brief phrases referring to a "grievous and enduring punishment" after death, or to burning in "hell-fire" and so on.
These twain (the believers and the disbelievers) are two opponents who contend concerning their Lord. But as for those who disbelieve, garments of fire will be cut out for them; boiling fluid will be poured down on their heads,
Whereby that which is in their bellies, and their skins too, will be melted;
And for them are hooked rods of iron.
Whenever, in their anguish, they would go forth from thence they are driven back therein and (it is said unto them): Taste the doom of burning.
What kind of doctrine is it that once in every eleven verses (on average) speaks of divine punishment or of hell? Are we to be good mainly because we are terrified of what someone will do to us if we are not good? Isn't it oddly crude of "God" to rely so strongly on this 'carrot and stick' (with a lot of stick) approach? Are we nothing more than animals to be controlled with the threat of pain and the promise of pleasure? (The Quran also speaks of beautiful couches, delicious food and drink, and gorgeous virgins for the righteous Muslim male after death.) What about the nobler possibilities within us? Our deepest desire, though we often lose touch with it, is to love and learn. Is it God who would drive us with whips and physical pleasures as if we were slaves or subhuman? Sounds more diabolical than divine. And what about 'love'? (I'll look into the Quran's statements on that subject in a future post.)
Here are links to the 1,027 verses I culled (through a database search for all verses with one or more of the words in the italicized word group at the top of this post) from the Quran's total of about 6,220 verses. Of the 1,027 below, I estimate about 500 to 600 contain distinct threats of hell/divine punishment, another 150 to 200 warn of Allah or advise fear of Allah, and the remaining 250 or so have nothing to do with hell/divine punishment:
002.002 002.006 002.007 002.010 002.017 002.019 002.024 002.038 002.039 002.040 002.041 002.049 002.057 002.062 002.063 002.066 002.074 002.079 002.080 002.081 002.085 002.090 002.096 002.104 002.112 002.114 002.119 002.126 002.150 002.155 002.162 002.165 002.166 002.167 002.174 002.175 002.176 002.177 002.178 002.189 002.194 002.195 002.196 002.197 002.201 002.203 002.206 002.217 002.221 002.223 002.229 002.231 002.233 002.239 002.243 002.257 002.262 002.266 002.274 002.275 002.277 002.278 002.279 002.281 002.282 002.283 002.284 002.286 003.004 003.010 003.012 003.016 003.021 003.024 003.028 003.030 003.050 003.056 003.073 003.077 003.088 003.091 003.102 003.103 003.105 003.116 003.123 003.128 003.130 003.131 003.138 003.151 003.162 003.170 003.173 003.175 003.176 003.177 003.178 003.181 003.183 003.185 003.188 003.191 003.192 003.195 003.197 003.198 003.200 004.003 004.009 004.010 004.014 004.016 004.018 004.025 004.030 004.034 004.035 004.037 004.039 004.055 004.056 004.077 004.083 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